Incredible India


I had high expectations for India; the scenery looked stunning, people who had visited raved about it and the history is rich.

And wow, India really exceeded all of my expectations! Not one moment of the trip did I feel underwhelmed or disappointed.

From the colours, the architecture, the sounds, the traditions and the landscapes, India is truly unique.


We started our journey in Northern India, 30 minutes out of Rishikesh at an Ayurvedic Retreat nestled in the foothills of the Himalayas and it was stunning - the views, the food (omg the food), the yoga and meditation - it was a yogis dream!

We then headed into Rishikesh to spend time in the yoga capital of world! We fell in love instantly, there something so special and peaceful about this place. The sacred Ganga is the most beautiful river I’ve ever seen (and touched) and the vibe was very laid back and relaxing.


It was then a 40 minute drive to the airport, 1 hour flight then a 5 hour drive to Agra! That was quite a trip, however it was well worth it because we were going to see the Taj Mahal. We woke early the next day for sunrise at the Taj, again well worth it as we were one of the first people in!

I have to admit, I was a little worried that the Taj Mahal was going to be underwhelming or overhyped, but thankfully I was wrong! It is absolutely stunning - the details, the symmetry, the way it changed colour with sun rise, the gardens, the bird life. You could just stare at it all day, we didn’t want to leave. We’re so thankful we got to see the Taj Mahal as a couple of days later it was closed.


Next was crazy Jaipur, known for it’s historical Pink City and block print textiles. It was chaos and the hustle is real, but in the best way possible! The colours are so vibrant here, the architecture is incredible and you’re surrounded by raw natural beauty. You got to know your Rickshaw drivers and they would share photos and letters with you from tourists from all around the world that they had met.


Then lastly it was an overnight train to the City of Lakes, Udaipur also known as the White City. This city is breathtaking, we stayed in a Haveli next to the lake and had the most amazing views and beautiful sunsets. Udaipur had a similar relaxed vibe like Rishikesh and was so peaceful next to the water. Unfortunately by now the worldwide situation was rapidly getting worse which started to encroach on our trip and we were looking at a plan b to get home.


We did end up flying to Sri Lanka and was there for two days before heading home early. What we saw of Sri Lanka was beautiful, was so tropical and hot - 30 degrees by 9am. The people were so kind and welcoming, we can’t wait to go back one day.


The Koshas | Finding Your Bliss


Pesto couscous salad