Ginger ANZAC bliss balls

ANZAC balls.jpeg


  • 8 Medjool Dates (seeds removed) or 1 cup of regular dates, soaked in hot water for 10 minutes

  • 2 tbsp filtered water

  • 3/4 cup wholegrain oats

  • 2 tbsp coconut flour

  • 2 tbsp desiccated coconut

  • 1 tsp ginger root (grated)

  • 1/4 tsp cinnamon

  • 1 heaped tbsp pure maple syrup

  • 1 tsp pure vanilla extract

  • 2 tbsp almond milk

  • 1 tbsp chia seeds (optional)


In a food processor or blender, mix the dates and water on their own until the dates are in little chunks. 

Add the remaining ingredients to the processor and mix until a sticky mixture has formed. Scrape down any mixture from the side and mix again for a few seconds. 

Roll into balls and store in the fridge for a perfect on the go snack!


These are dairy free, gluten free (check your oat packet) and refined sugar free. Makes around 12 balls. 

The added ginger is great for boosting the immune system which is usually needed at this time of year! It also relieves inflammation, aids digestion and it is an antioxidant.


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